Botnet, data breach, exploitation, malware, phishing, ransomware, spyware, spoofing, Trojan horse, zero-day vulnerability, virus and worm. These are just some of the often confusing terms one might see in news headlines and articles when describing the latest cyber-attack on a company or government institution. Implementing good cyber security is essential to protect a company’s assets and IP and to reassure clients and customers that any details they provide will be secure.

The UK’s NCSC (The National Cyber Security Centre) states “cyber security is how individuals and organisations reduce the risk of cyber-attack”. It adds that “Its core function is to protect the devices we all use and the services we access – both online and at work – from theft or damage”.
The Government has launched a scheme entitled Cyber Essentials to help companies “to guard against the most common cyber threats and demonstrate your commitment to cyber security.”
The Scheme allows for two levels of certification either a self-assessment option or a technical assessment carried out by an independent party.
Whilst Page Group does not provide a cyber security service we work closely with Nesscomp Business Solutions, who advises us on all cyber security matters. Nesscomp’s motto is “Prevent, Protect and Respond” to minimize the risks of attacks, reduce their consequences and restore systems and data quickly. In turn, we support Nesscomp’s follow-up investigations into any suspects (of cyber-attacks) identified.
If you have any questions or require an introduction to Nesscomp who can advise on both the Cyber Essentials scheme and cyber security in general please do not hesitate to contact us.