Due Diligence
What is it? Investigative due diligence is the process of conducting background checks on a subject (either a company and/or individual) to either verify existing information or discover more about the subject.
Why Use it? Prior to forming any type of business relationship it is prudent to check that any subject is a suitable fit with your organisation and also ensure there are no red flags or adverse information linked to them which could damage you. The aim is to minimise any risk to your organisation.
Our due diligence service can be tailored to fit each client’s requirements from a basic red flag check to a more comprehensive enhanced due diligence.
Where? Page Group conducts due diligence checks worldwide. Recent jurisdictions include: Dubai, UK, Iraq, Spain, USA, Italy, Macedonia, Japan, Belgium, Peru, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Israel, Japan, Poland, Australia, Romania, South Korea, Jordan, France, UAE, Algeria, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Russia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Portugal, Jordan, Brazil, Cyprus, South Africa, Singapore, Puerto Rico, Morocco, and Czech Republic.
How? Page Group gathers its information using a range of online resources, in-country open source records combined with a network of human sources which includes law enforcement contacts, government contacts, journalists, industry specialists as well as local and international business leaders.